Exploring Narratives in Audio and Writing



Sounds bring stories to life, music and sound effects lend poems a specific atmosphere. The fascination of radio plays lies in the possibility of creating an „inner stage“ (Wickert 1954: 509) for the recipients.

The seminar first offers an insight into the world of audio media: radio, radio plays and podcasts, but also reports and historical audio documents are presented. These serve as inspiration for our own projects. Here we deal with sound design and text.

Sound helps us to emphasize the plot, shape the atmosphere and influence the emotions of the listeners. We will therefore look in depth at the different aspects of sound design to understand how we can use sounds and music to bring our stories to life and create an immersive listening experience.

In addition, radio play texts are an elementary component. But how do you get into the writing flow? What is storytelling? How can you develop characters for a story? Which choice of words is suitable for which context? What scope does verbal communication offer and how can you meet the needs of your target group?

Together we explore different genres experimentally and creatively, reflect and discuss. Individually or in teams, we develop projects, give each other feedback and analyze impact and imagination. The final results are presented at the Bergwerk.

 In collaboration with Felix Babel